Saturday, October 20, 2012

Since all I post is crappy crap here. Might at well add to it.

Seriously? They come back from "sweetest day" dinner. Which in my opinion is a stupid bullshit holiday for assholes like halmark to fucking make money. But, THEY come back from dinner and are fighting at getting at each other. Marriage is a joke, a lie and its bullshit. Fuck being single and fuck love and fuck couples. Happiness is a made up emotion to try and make life livable. But, it isn't and when you wake up and realizes there's no such thing, you see the world for what it really is. Shit. You see people for who they really are, Shit. The world is dark, disgusting, filthy, polluted, misleading. People lie, steal, kill, torture, hate, beat, and ruin any bit of light they find. The sooner you loose that light, the sooner you'll see the truth. And be miserable like the rest of the fucking world is.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Yep, I'm back.

Its been a while....And still nothing has changed. I was re-reading my posts here and.....I guess I always felt like my depression....was like never around? But, reading my old posts....just about everyone of them, I'm depressed or sad or lonely about something. Seriously....Think I need some professional help or what? I get to go back to work tomorrow....Not willingly. I was off the last 2 days and did NOTHING. It made me feel depressed (Wow, what a different emotion from you). My head hurts, I've been forcing myself to eat and all I've done is lay in bed with my laptop. Facebook is depressing and annoying as hell and Tumblr didn't really seem to bring me much joy today either. I probably should have done SOMETHING today, hung out with my friends or anything. But, its too late now. I get to fucking close like all this week, next week and the week after that. Wow, fuck you too managers. I mean...I get it. The parks' closing earlier, so with our shitty skeleton crew, there's pretty much an opener and a closer. Any in between shifts are super short and they won't give me because I'm full-time. Stupid fucking full-time. I want to take a shower and wash this feeling away. Wonder if it'll help. But, the thought of moving is....pointless? God, when did I become so emo. Next I'm going to tell someone I'm cold inside or some shit. Huff! Can't wait for G.I.S.H.W.H.E.S to start, maybe if I'm keeping my mind busy and doing scavenger stuff for Misha Collins, I won't be emo. I feel like eating......or maybe its sleeping. I dunno... I like how....The auto-correct here says, "emo", "Misha", and "Tumblr" are spelled wrong, but there's so red line thingy for "dunno" or the word "thingy" either. Weird... My head really hurts from staring at my computer screen all day. But, I really don't have anything else to do. Guess, I'll make myself go shower. Want to post here more....I know I type that every time and then don't do it. I want to post on here when I'm happy. Ha! That's be a different. Anyways~ Peace! <3

Tuesday, June 12, 2012




So~ It's June 12, 2012 lol I resurrected my dino computer~ I've actually really missed it! ^_^ And I found/remembered I had one of these. Thought I was WAY over due on a post, don't cha think? XD Hmm...There's is absolutely no fucking difference since I last posted here. Pathetic....Still at Universal and hating it. Still haven't done a thing with my schooling. Still single and crushing on people who wouldn't give me the time of day. Seriously pathetic Kao. But, who cares? The world is suppose to end at the end of the year anyways~ Which I am actually counting on. When it doesn't though....I'm fucked. lol Well, I have work tomorrow. Maybe I'll try to post on here again. I'm missed my blog <3 <3 <3 Looking into starting a website for my cool photos soon, just cause I have no life and stuff. K~! Gonna head off to bed maybe! <3 Peace!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

gn ruudtghtyu tygn


Friday, December 31, 2010

been a while...

It's almost 2011. It's actually felt like a year this time....Normally its like, wow, it's already been a full year. This feels like it. I'm kind of feeling lonely I guess......Still single and my parents are fighting again or still. Nice way to start the year, right? Anyways, I thought I'd make a review on the year for myself by myself.
Moments of this year: Had a gf, experienced a girl for the 1st time, drove to Titsuville by myself, started college and worked full time at the same time....And finished! Got a master's degree in Make up Artistry, grew stronger, got fatter, still lazy, reconnected with old friends, became more driven towards change, took a chance with a guy I liked and numerous girls, got shot down all times. Got my tongue pierced, got my first tooth pulled, got 3rd and 4th peircing in my ears. The house got robbed and a lot of my mother's stuff was stolen. Began hating the thought of marrage if it is all about fighting. Started really thinking about moving out of my parents' house. I think that's all I can think of at the moment.
I hope 2011 has more instore for me....Hope its mostly good. Hope its mostly up. Hope its mostly for the better. Please God, let me change who I am this coming year and become who I wish I could be. Talk to you next year blog.
<3 Kristina

Sunday, November 14, 2010


I just saw/found these two dogs on Craig's list and cried cause I want them so much! They needed to be mine. They were the dogs I always wanted, imagined, needed, loved and ugh! I want them! I shouldn't even go into it more or else I'll think of them every time I read this. They're brother and sister named Junior and Julie, rot mixes and they're big babies and so sweet. And I need to post one picture so I'll never forget them, even though I almost want to. God, I wish mom would let me have dogs and god I wish I lived on my own and could just have them forever!